Spring is an exciting time. Daffodils are pushing up through the soil and dazzling us with their yellow cups of sunshine. The air is fresh and clean. The gloomy days are gone, and you can shut the furnace off. It can be easy to forget that in a few weeks, you’ll be turning to that thermostat once again, this time to turn on the air conditioning.
On that first hot, sticky, humid day in the Charlotte, NC area, the last thing you need is to not only find that your system won’t turn on, but there are about two dozen calls ahead of you when you call for emergency service. The best way to avoid this scenario is to call ahead of time and arrange an HVAC system inspection.
There are other benefits involved with having an HVAC system inspection performed, as well. This visit will make sure your system is functioning efficiently. Performing maintenance twice a year is paramount to keeping it running smoothly and efficiently, as well as prolonging the life of your system. Nobody wants to replace an HVAC system years before its time. With regular service, this won’t happen to you. Functioning right, functioning efficiently and functioning a long time are all benefits of having a regular HVAC system inspection.
HVAC Inspection in Charlotte, NC
Getting on the day’s work schedule for an HVAC system inspection is far easier before there are dozens of other folks scrabbling for repairs when it comes time to turn the AC on. At Acosta Heating and Cooling, we encourage you to call early and let us make sure your system is operating properly, before that first heatwave strikes.